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Speaker ignores Minority’s protest for being marked absent on Saturday

Speaker of Parliament, Professor Aaron Michael Oquaye ignored protest from the Minority Chief Whip Mohamed Muntaka Mubarak that the House did not agree to sit on Saturday March 21, 2020.

According to the Minority Chief Whip he is not happy that on the Order paper for Monday 23rd March 2020, the Minority Members had been marked absent, but the Speaker ignored his plea.

The Speaker was of the view that if he has any issue he should address it with the table office and went on with proceedings in the House.

Member of Parliament for North Tongu, Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa raised similar issue that there was no agreement that the House meets on Saturday, yet he has been marked absent. But the Speaker did not tolerate his plea and went on with proceedings in the House.

Member of Parliament for Wa West, Joseph Yiele Chireh drew the attention that two members of the House, Dr. Robert Baba Kuganab-Lem and Toure Mahama including staff who had traveled to Germany were asked to stay at home by the Majority Leader hence they cannot be marked absent.

“It should be absent with permission, Mr. Speaker what we have in the Order Paper is not right and the proper thing should be done”, he added.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Parliament to arrange a spacious space for meeting — Speaker

Professor Aaron Michael Oquaye, the Speaker of Parliament has given indications that in the wake of the deadly corona virus, and to observe social spacing, the House is in a process of getting the Accra International Conference Center for proceedings of the House to take place.

Monday morning after prayers, the speaker in view of the social distancing directed lawmakers to observe the social spacing in the chamber by leaving empty seat in-between them.

“Indeed, this would make people realize that Parliament actually need space to do its work”, he announced to the House.

Meanwhile, as part of observing spacing to ensure that spreading of  corona virus is curbed facemask was provided for lawmakers and those seated at the public gallery were directed by the marshals office to observe spacing, same applied to members of the Parliamentary press corps.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Speaker angry over performance of committee chairs and MPs

The Rt. Hon. Speaker of Parliament Professor Aaron Michael Oquaye has expressed anger over the unsatisfactory and poor performance of some committee chairs and Members of Parliament.

This occurred on Tuesday, March 17, 2020 at 10:00am after prayers where proceedings in the house to kick start activities but motion four (4) and six (6) were not ready.

Motion (4), “The House adopts the report on the Vienna Convention on Civil Liberty for Nuclear Damage (1963) and Motion (6), (The House adopts the report of the committee on Environment, Science and technology on the protocol relating to the application of the vienna convention and the Paris convention (1988), which both reports were not ready and even the chairmen for these committees were not present at the plenary as well.

The Deputy Majority chief whip. Matthew Nyindam who explained as to why the report was not ready and the chairmen was also not in the House, said he cannot speak to the report but has been hinted that, the chairman would be in the House in a minute to speak on the report.

Mr. Emmanuel Kwasi Bedzrah who was in the front seat for the Minority side condemned the explanation given by the Deputy Majority Chief whip and added that, if Members of Parliament are not ready and serious to utilise the regular Parliamentary proceedings hours, then there’s no need to add Mondays and Saturdays for parliamentary works as it was announced by the Deputy Majority leader, Sarah Adowa Safo last week Friday, when she was presenting the business statement.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Speaker directs MPs and all others in Parliament to wear nose mask

In the wake of Ghana recording more cases of the corona virus, the Speaker of Ghana’s Parliament, Professor Aaron Michael Oquaye has directed that all lawmakers put on facemasks in the chamber on Friday, March 20, 2020 before he started looking at the votes and proceedings.

The Speaker himself put on the face masks before the Majority Leader Osei Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu took position to read out the Business statement, and his colleagues from the Minority side of the House drew his attention to wear the mask.

Mr. Osei Kyei indicated to them that he is not disobeying the speaker, and asked that they should allow him to read the Business Statement for the ensuing week after that he would put on his mask.

Meanwhile, the speaker’s orders did not exclude Members of the Parliamentary Press Corps as they were also provided with the masks at the Press gallery to wear.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Two Ministers to take ten questions next week

Ministers of energy, Works and Housing would be on the floor of the House next week to take two questions.

This came to light on Friday 20th March 2020 when the Majority Leader, Osei Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu presented the Business Statement for the ensuing week, and indicated that additional questions would be added as the two Ministers would ask three questions each.

Business Committee further proposed sitting from Monday to Saturday till the House adjourn as the House would sit beyond 2:00pm.

One issue that came up strongly on the floor of the House had to do with MPs from the Minority side putting across strongly the issue of them not being prepared to come to the House for business to be conducted on March 21, 2020. .

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Sierra Leone Parliament congratulates ECOWAS Speaker

The Parliament of Sierra Leone has congratulated the current Speaker of the Economic Community of West African States, (ECOWAS), Rt. Hon. Sidie Mohamed Tunis who is also Majority Leader of the House.

Deputy Leader of Government Business, Mathew Nyuma thanked leadership of the House for their unwavering support towards the realization of their national objective.

He confidently informed the House that Hon. Tunis has the potential and proclivity to take such a mantle of leadership; assuring, he was going to do well by delivering on his set goals and objectives including transparency, stability and effective regional integration.

Dr. Kandeh Yumkella of NGC also congratulated Hon. Speaker of ECOWAS Parliament on his election. “We on the NGC wish you well and we will give you any support that you may need” he stated.

He acknowledged the efforts of the Minority Leader, Chernor Maju Bah for his support during the campaign that ushered in the Speaker, adding, he was willing to put his weight behind the ECOWAS Speaker of Parliament.

“Hon Bah had served in that Parliament for 10 years and that was enough to contest but he put his ambition aside to support you for the sake of Sierra Leone”. He also thanked the APC as a whole for demonstrating political tolerance.

Hon. Abdul Kargbo of APC expressed happiness over the election of the ECOWAS Speaker but advised him to work hard in order to overcome the challenges relative to consolidation of democracy and nation building in Sierra Leone, regional economy, law making, conflict resolution, and team work, amongst others.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

COVID 19: “We should have had another day for WAHO to brief us”—Former Speaker

Former Speaker of the Liberian Parliament and current leader of the delegation to the fifth sub-region Community Parliament, Edwin Melvin Snowe Junior said the Parliament should have maintained its original closing ceremony of Friday, March 13, 2020 instead of Thursday.

According to him that would have allowed the West African Health Oraganisation (WAHO) to brief the Community Parliament on steps being taken to combat the corona virus should there be outbreak in the sub-region.

He recounted in an interview that his country Liberia few years had to deal with the deadly EBOLA, adding “so that we can understand the issues, the challenges we are expected to face. If developed countries are having challenges in combating the diseases, what about those of us in third world countries? It is a key issues and very important to the Parliament.”

Mr. Snowe opinioned that in the wake of the spread, it could stall some activities of the activities of the Community Parliament, as health comes first and hope that the health authorities in the sub-region can work out how the diseases would be dealt with.

And hoped that not in the too long distance future the issue would be resolved as the spread of the corona virus would be difficult to combat in the sub-region.

On the issue of the upcoming first Ordinary Session of the fifth Legislature in May this year, he noted that it is a long time, adding that he is not sure the disease would be defeated at that time since there were just few cases in the sub-region at the time.

He added that the corona virus outbreak has been reported in Ivory Coast, Burkina Faso and gradually spreading into the sub-region and hope it would be combated in the not too long distance; “So that we continue to work for the Community”.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com/Niger

Young and female representation should have the needed attention—Snowe Jr.

Leader of the Liberian delegation to the Economic Community of West African States, (ECOWAS) Parliament, Edwin Melvin Snowe Junior has said young lawmakers and female representation should be given the needed attention.

According to him young and female representation in the Community Parliament from most of the countries is not impressive.

“Most countries came without female delegations, Nigeria with thirty-five delegates came with only two females, we are talking about thirty (30) percent representation, Ghana had just one female, same with my country and Gambia”, he lamented.

He noted that moving forward a second look should be taken at the female representation since they bring a lot of value to the table and seek the welfare of people. “So we hope we can work in attaining the thirty (30) percent threshold for females at the political level”, he said in an interview.

Meanwhile, in a related development he further noted that direct representation in the Community Parliament is a process which is going to take time and has major financial implications and when addressed, it can be taken care of.

“Secretary-General, John Azumah has experience in parliamentary matters, he has suggested an Ad Hoc Committee start looking into direct elections to see how best we can move from the current nomination level to election position like the European Union (EU) Parliament”.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com/Niger

ECOWAS Parliament: Speaker assures of zero tolerance for linguistic differences

The Rt. Hon. Speaker of the fifth Community Parliament of the Economic Community of West African State, (ECOWAS), Sidie Mohammed Tunis has given indications that his leadership would have zero tolerance for linguistic differences as indicated in the oath of office.

According to the Speaker, Community lawmakers pledged to represent the entire West Africa population and not to succumb to pressure from any Member State.

“We are expected to promote integration, unity, solidarity and togetherness as representatives of the people, the only way we can build a strong institution with enviable ideals”, he said at the closing of the inauguration of the fifty parliament in Niger.

He further urged MPs to minimize nationalism and promote regionalism for the betterment of the Community citizens and its children yet unborn as posterity would judge their performance.

In addition, at the start of the fifth legislature, he indicated his desire to head an institution that has a clear defined focus and understand where it is going and anticipate results.

“Here I am referring to my desire to have a functional strategic plan to define the vision, mission, and goals of the institution as the Secretary-General who informed me that a draft is in work and would be submitted to parliament during the first ordinary session in Abuja in May. I am eagerly awaiting the draft which should be people oriented”.

Again, it is not enough to draw a strategic plan. We must collectively resolve to adopt the plan and ensure it is implemented, he added.

“I realised the extent to which a lot of bargaining was done, leading to the final conclusion of the work. I entreat you all to imbibe the culture of compromise, believing that as an integrating Parliament, there are no winners or losers. Indeed, as one people, governed by a common destiny, we should regard ourselves as winners, even if our expectations were not fully met”.

As we are nowhere near where we wish to be as a parliament, the Supplementary Act has provided us with enough impetus to function and show that we are relevance as a Community Parliament, he emphasised.

The Speaker has directed that briefing and orientation progammes be organised for all members during the first Ordinary Session for them to understand the workings and interrelation with other ECOWAS institutions.

“If we work harder, we have the potentials to make it even stronger, Institutions become stronger, when they maximally tap into their potentials and effectively collaborate with other similar Institutions”.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com/Niger