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Female representation in fifth ECOWAS Parliament not encouraging—SG

The crusade to get more female lawmakers into the yet to be inaugurated fifth Parliament of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) was high on the agenda during the latter part of the life span of the fourth Parliament.

In an interview with the Administrative Head of the sub-regional Community Legislature, John Azumah on the female representation on the reconstituted list presented by fourteen out of the fifteen countries, he said: “the list is not encouraging”.

He indicated that the names of females in a current list of eighty (80) presented out of one hundred and fifteen (115), it was obvious they have a long way to go.

The Secretary-General also noted that the Supplementary Act says Parliaments are encouraged to give one-third (1/3) of their delegation to the female parliamentarians invariably this is not respected. There are so many issues involved in this in allocating positions especially involving our female folks”.

According to him, though men always talk about supporting women, “hardly do we practice it”.

Mr. John Azumah further confirmed to Ghanamps.com that in the reconstituted list of Ghana, there is only one female in the name of Mrs. Ama Pomaa Boateng.

Ghana, for example, has eight membership but there is only one female, “even if they were not given three slots, two should have been the case but a blind eye has been turned to that, and the same applies to other countries”.

He further revealed that for the allocation of the female MPs it is not being respected as in the regulations.

In an early interview with Leader of the Gambian delegation in the fourth Legislature Mr. Kebba K. Barrow he pointed out their reconstituted list to the fifth Parliament has only one female madam Fatoumatta Njai out of the five.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Seven Ministers to answer eleven questions next week

Majority Leader and Leader of Government Business, Osei Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu presenting the Business Statement on the floor of the House for next week on Friday noted that eleven questions have been tabled for seven Ministers to answer on the floor of the House.

Minister of Roads and Highways, Kwesi Amoako Atta would answer five questions, whiles Minister of Aviation, Kofi Adda as well as Ministers of Transport, Youth and Sports, Tourism Arts and Culture, Local Government and Rural Development and the Volta Regional Minister would take a question each.

In accordance with Article 67 of the 1992 constitution, H. E. the President Nana Akufo-Addo would be on the floor on Thursday 20th February 2020 to deliver the State of the Nation Address (SONA).

He entreated that Members would have to be punctual latest 9:15am, adding “it may not be courteous for members to exit the chamber after the President has entered”.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Assurance Committee visit Ekumfi pineapple plantation and factory

Government Assurance Committee has taken its verification tour to the Central Region where it members visited a pineapple plantation that feeds Ekumfi Fruit and Juice Limited.

Director of Operations at Ekumfi Fruit and Juice, Frederick Kobbyna Acquaah before the Committee visited the plantation walked the committee through the operations of the company from the growing of the pineapple, its harvest and processing.

And there was a question time where members of the committee sought further explanation. One of the key things that Mr. Acquaah told the committee members was that the factory under 1D1F was hundred percent Ghanaian owned.

He further revealed to the Committee members that the lands on which the pineapples are grown are leased to the company for thirty years, and the farmers and all those working are properly documented.

It was also revealed that the pineapple farms are not only located in Ekumfi but other places like Gomoa, Winneba among other places.

The Committee’s first place of visit after the briefing was a pineapple plantation at Ekumfi, whiles the last stop of the field trip on the third day of visit was the factory where the pineapple was being processed into juice.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Don’t threaten us with gay rights when giving us aid”—Minority Whip

Minority Chief Whip, Mohamed Muntaka Mubarak has served a notice to the World Bank not to threaten Ghana and Africans with cutting aid if they do not uphold gay and lesbian rights.

According to the Minority Whip, not only are issues of gay and lesbian rights alien to Africans, but also less importance in the scheme of things.

“Europeans and those in the developed world do not accept polygamy, and we in Africa do not have issues with that. Just as you do not accept polygamy in your society, please do accept we do not accept gay and lesbian rights in our societies as Africans”.

He further pointed out that there is no need to split heads over this issue to the extent that when the World Bank wants to support African countries they should not be foot dragging, and wondered if Africa were richer than the developed world, would they accept polygamy before accepting Africa’s resources?

He made this remarks when the World Bank Country director to Ghana, Pierre Jean Laporte called on Speaker Professor Aaron Micheal Oquaye.

And pointed out that Ghana’s major challenge today is youth unemployment as the youth graduate from the Universities but they are unable to secure jobs, because the country is exporting raw materials without adding value.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Former chairman pleased with Government Assurance Committee work

The immediate past chairman of the Government Assurance Committee, Yaw Frimpong Addo has commended the current leadership of the Committee for reviving and making the Committee active by embarking on verification trips both in Accra and the Central Region.

Mr. Addo noted that the intervention of the Committee has been late in coming but its better late than never.
“When leadership change, the style change, some of the programmes that we had laid down and we said we were going to push through in 2018 and 2019 did not see the light of the day but now it is underway”.

He was impressed with the enthusiasm exhibited by both the Majority and the Minority members that they have shown up in their numbers in the workings of the Committee.

“In the delay with the work of the Committee people were thinking the Committee was in coma or dead, but you can see the committee is working and doing our oversight work. It is good for our democracy”.

Again, we are following Order 174 where all comments made by Ministers of the floor of the House and anywhere would be verified.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Minority gives Gov’t three-day ultimatum to evacuate Ghanaian students

The Minority has called on the Government to immediately evacuate Ghanaian students currently locked up in China to a less Coronavirus infected area in Asia or be lifted back to Ghana.

According to the Minority, if government does not hid their call they would reconvene and tell the World their next line of action.

Ranking member on the Foreign Affairs Committee, Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa noted that Ghana has the capacity to evacuate Ghanaian students from China especially those trapped in Wuhan where the coronavirus originally started from.

Addressing the media, he noted that France, Switzerland, Philippines, Russia, Libya among other countries have all evacuated their nationals from China as a result of the outbreak of the virus, whiles the United States of America is even doing a second round evacuation of their nationals.

“We urge the Ghanaian Government to swiftly move in to save Ghanaian students before anything bad befalls them”.

Mr. Okudzeto further backed his point by pointing out that Libya during their war nine years ago, Ghana was able to evacuate her nationals who were more than a thousand back to the country.

As records released by the World Health Organisation indicates that one thousand and sixteen people have been confirmed dead with forty-three thousand infected with the coronavirus, “Government cannot be insensitive to the plight of Ghanaians, this is a humanitarian issue and the earlier Government Acts the better”.

Meanwhile in a related development, the Ranking member on the Committee of Health Kwabena Mintah Akandoh is calling for the screening of all Chinese nationals in the country.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Minority considering SONA boycott

The Minority in Parliament has threatened that they may boycott the State of the Nation Address (SONA) which is slated for next week Thursday February 20, 2020 to be addressed by President Nana Akufo-Addo.

According to the Minority lawmakers despite provisions made for them to receive five percent of the District Assemblies Common Fund, government has renege on that constitutional duty.

This came to light as a result of a meeting held by the Minority caucus where they resolved to execute their plan if government does not release the MPs Common Fund by Friday.

Member of Parliament for Bodi, Sampson Ahi pointed out that the delay in releasing the funds is a deliberate attempt by the Executive to sabotage lawmakers ahead of the December 2020 parliamentary elections.

“Despite both the Minority and the Majority lawmakers have not received the funds, it is the Minority who are feeling the heat, since they have something to show for in their respective constituencies”.

And added that when a lawmaker is in the Majority and funds are release to the Assemblies, they are seen to be working because the lawmaker has some influence over how they are disbursed and quickly pointed out that in the case of the Minority it is a different ball game.

“Minority MPs have to work extra hard to develop their constituency which the Executive is trying to stifle”, he lamented.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Government Assurance Committee visit UGMC

Government Assurance Committee of Parliament has had a working day tour to ascertain for themselves facilities at the University of Ghana Medical Center on Friday February 7, 2020.

Ranking member of the Committee Dr. Rashid Pelpuo in his open remarks noted that both the Majority and Minority members of the Committee want to see for themselves every detail of things they have heard about the Hospital.

“We hear the facility is higher than a teaching and tertiary hospital, this shows something is happening in Ghana and we want to be part of it and hope the report would be of interest to parliamentarians, whatever we do, we would share with members”.

Meanwhile, the Chief Executive Officer of UGMC, Dr. Darius Osei in his presentation gave an overview of how the facility has been operating when members of the Government Assurance Committee touched base with the facility last week Friday.

He told the visiting members of Parliaments Committee that the issue of who owns how much share in the facility had been settled; whiles government owns sixty percent shares, the University of Ghana owns forty percent in the facility.

Dr. Darius further told the Committee members that the website of the Centre would be in full operation 1st of March 2020 and with the completion of the first phase same month this year the facility would kick start.

As Parliament’s approval of a supplementary budget of forty-seven million dollars would start the second and finance phase which should end in March of 2021. The current total staff strength of the facility stands at 350 and by March would jump to 410.

He further revealed that the medical facility is higher than a tertiary and teaching hospital. At the moment there are fifteen specialists on board. The hospital is also said to be going paperless, hence all staffs from different medical facilities who have been hired have been taken through training.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

West Africa Health Organisation ready for Coronavirus—Edwin Snowe

In the wake of the fight against the coronavirus globally as Health Authorities in the different parts of the World are putting in measures to combat the diseases and prevent it from spreading, leader of the Liberian delegation to the expired fourth Community Parliament, Edwin Melvin Snowe Junior has said the Director of the West African Health Organisation has revealed that measures had been put in place to contain the spread in the sub-region.

“All airports in the sub-region are being monitored especially flights from Asia and not only flights from China”.

He further pointed out in an interview that he hopes the measures put in place would be respected. “When you get to the airport, avoid shaking hands, be careful with people around you that are not feeling well, encourage them to be rushed to the nearest medical centre “.

In addition, he recounted that the because of the Ebola virus that came from his country and claimed thousands of lives in Liberia and other affected countries, the World would be minded to seriously deal with the virus to the best of its ability.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com/Banjul

“World Bank should disassociate itself from gay right to aid”—Speaker Oquaye

Speaker of Ghana’s Parliament Professor Aaron Michael Oquaye has told the World Bank Country Director, Pierre Jean Laporte that institution should disassociate itself from championing gay and lesbian rights which is usually linked to aid in Ghana and Africa.

According to the Speaker the World Bank should disassociate itself from some modern issues of human rights being pushed on African countries in exchange for aid.

“The West would have to respect our views, do not link such things to aid for economic development because they have nothing to do with us, Ghana is not castrating people because they are gay’s. No we are not engage in any anti-human rights; the issue is offence is offence, it is time for us to look at this new interpretation”.

He told the visiting Country Director of the World Bank to Ghana that human rights issues are gaining economic under pining in global relationship and are issues that concern “us deeply”.

Professor Oquaye emphasised that Ghanaian die of ‘kwashiorkor’ and there are many problems that needs to be tackled.

“When AIDS is spreading in Africa we are unable to manage it as the developed world has managed it, we seriously want to make known to the appropriate institutions that if they want to assist us economically they should do that”.

In addition, they should realize that economic stability has effects and social implication and those issues should be brought to the front burner as they would be beneficial way to deepen “our relationship”, he emphasised.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com