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Instabilities in Guinea, Ivory Coast lead to 28,736 Refugees & Asylum-Seekers in Liberia

Liberia Delegation to the regional ECOWAS Parliament has submitted that instabilities resulting from election violence in its neighbouring countries of Republic of Guinea and Republic of Ivory Coast led to 28,736 (twenty-eight thousand seven hundred and thirty-six) refugees and asylum-seekers in its territory.

Presenting the Liberia’s country report on behalf of the Liberian Delegation to the ECOWAS Parliament, Clarence Massaquoi whilst deliberating on the security and refugee situation in the region said consequent of the post-election instabilities “according to UNHCR Global Focus, there was an estimated 28,736 refugees and asylum-seekers in Liberia at the start of 2021, including 20,466 Ivorian asylum-seekers who arrived in December 2020, following electoral tension in Côte d’Ivoire.”

Mr. Massaquoi added that “the reported hundreds of migrant farm workers along the border towns of Taboo, Maryland County, Toe Town, Grand Gedeh County and Logatuo, Nimba County in search of economic livelihoods but who present threats to border security as the local complained of land grabs by these migrants which have prompted the authorities in those areas to call on national government to intervene so that the situation does not blow out of proportion.”

The Liberian delegation further presented that as a result of changes in the Guinean Constitution passed in a constitutional referendum in earlier 2020 which reset the presidential terms, that ended in the incumbent president Alpha Condé to run for a third term and winning in October of 2020.  He said the opposition boycotted the said election and protested, adding that the protest lasted throughout the year but was harshly repressed by security forces claiming several civilian lives. In effect, those fearing their lives crossed over to Liberia and other neighboring countries which prompted the government of Liberia to deploy armed men along its border with Guinea to mitigate any situation arising thereof.”

Consequently, on the area of political tolerance, Clarence Massaquoi stated that “Liberia reassured the world for the respect of democratic political tenets and the rule of laws by solidifying the gains made over the years as exemplified by the holding of free, fair, and transparent elections.”


Trans-Gambia Bridge causes controversy between Senegal and Gambia in ECOWAS Parliament

The Gambian delegation to the Economic Community of West African States, (ECOWAS) parliament did not take kindly to Senegal claiming ownership to the Trans-Gambian Bridge in their Country report on Monday, May 31, 2021.

Senegal in presenting its Country report claimed ownership to the Trans-Gambian bridge which did not go down well with the Gambian delegation, leading to a member of the Gambian delegation, Samba Jallow demanding that the portion of the report ascribing the bridge to Senegal should be deleted from the Senegal report.


Leader of the Senegal delegation, Aime Assine in response to the issues raised by his colleagues from Gambia noted that Senegal also contributed to the construction of the bridge in contention, and is an important trans -ECOWAS bridge.

“That is why it is called the deliverance bridge, even if the bridge is built on your territory and given the opportunity to supervise, they should know the bridge does not belong to the Gambia. It is a West African bridge, that is why it is called the deliverance bridge”.

MPs from the Gambia also raised concerns over the closure of land border between the Gambia and Senegal, by the Senegalese Authorities, pointing out that it is against the ECOWAS protocol of Free Movement of Persons, goods and services.

In response, Leader of the Senegal delegation stated that he has also fallen victim to that, hence there is the need for both countries to review and address the issue.

The only female on the ticket of the Gambia, Fatoumatta Njai, also raise issues with Senegal not allowing airlines to use its space unless its national carries Air Senegal, where Asky Airline cannot move from the Gambia to Senegal, Senegal responded by saying there is the need for engagement in other to address that issue.

The last issue that came had to do with Municipal elected leaders staying in office despite the fact that their tenure has expired. This the delegation however, noted was not the first time that such an issue is occurring, adding that the Mayors would be in office until next year when an election is organized.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com/Abuja

Atrocities under Jammeh: “All we want is the truth and not witch hunt” —-Fatoumatta Njai

A member of the Gambiam delegation to the ECOWAS Parliament, Fatoumatta Njai assured the House that the political situation Gambia is very stable, with eighteen (18) political parties exercising their civil rights.

According to her in 2017, the former President Yahya Jammeh was sent on exile, and the Truth Reconciliation Reparation Commission (TRRC) would present its report in July to the president and it would be sent back to the House which established the TRRC.

She further told the plenary on Monday, May 31, 2021 that the financial dealings of the former president and his allies were looked into, but the recommendations have not been carried out yet.

Fatoumatta Njai who was answering questions from the Community lawmakers on the fate of the former President of the Gambia Yahya Jammeh in the light of the political situation there, she said, “As a Gambian, we are concerned with reconciliation than those who have committed atrocities, we are a small country only two million in Gambia everybody knows everybody, rather we are not going through witch hunting that people expect, we reconcile, compensate the victims”.

Mr. Kebba K. Barrow is the Leader of the delegation and presented the country report on behalf of his colleagues, when most of the contributors to the Gambia report wanted to know the political situation in that country.

He further told the plenary that, there has been an inter-party committee set up that meets every quarter to develop a strategic document that would be validated next week where all parties are represented to focus on their needs, and are preparing for the upcoming elections on December 4, 2021.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com/Abuja

Niger receives commendation for promptly paying ECOWAS levy

The Republic of Niger received commendation from ECOWAS lawmakers for paying its Community Levy religiously.

Leader of delegation, Boukari Sani Malam Chaibou presenting his country’s report was praised by the community MPs for the manner in which Niger had paid its Community Levy to the extent that, they have over paid, and now ECOWAS owes them.

Mr. Muhamed Magassy, a member of the Gambian delegation expressed satisfaction in this direction and further commended Niger for its peaceful transition.

This, the second Deputy Speaker Chaibou, explained to the plenary that his country takes payment of the Community Levy very serious since that would help ECOWAS survive, and the institution is their priority, and it is important to protect the Parliament and the Commission.

MPs, however, expressed reservations in other developments in Niger, and hope things can change for the better.  Some contributors were worried that the opposition in Niger is not allowed to demonstrate, while others also think not much is done to increase the number of females in politics.

Again, the issue of early marriage of the girl-child came to play as the female MPs in particular expressed worry and wanted to know if efforts were in place to reduce the practice. There was also a call on the country to put measures in place to allow its citizens in the diaspora to participate in their electoral system.

On the issue of insecurity in Niger, the Leader of the delegation noted that he is unable to comment because it has security implications.

Again, he stated that demonstrations in Niger had to be backed by law, and further pointed out that if one holds illegal demonstration, one needs to face the music and is the reason why some people have been arrested and are in prison.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com/Abuja

Select Committee on Health appeals to Laboratory Scientists to call off strike

The Parliamentary Select Committee on Health has appealed to the Ghana Association of Medical Laboratory Scientists (GAMLS) to return to work to help save lives, adding that lives lost is irreplaceable.

In a joint press briefing addressed by the Chairman and Ranking Member of the Committee, Dr. Nana Ayew Afriye, and Kwabena Minta Akandoh respectively, they noted that it is only the poor, who cannot afford to pay at the private facilities that will bear the brunt of the strike, while the rich seeks private facilities when the need of laboratory services arise.

The leadership of the Committee noted that though they have not been petitioned, the total withdrawal of service by the Ghana Association of Medical Laboratory Scientists is of public interest hence their resolve to appeal to the striking professionals to resume work.

According to Dr. Ayew Afriye, they have worked very hard with stakeholders; and in line with their standing orders, they are able to take petitions and work to satisfy public interest.

“We have worked with the laboratory scientist just last year before the Act was passed, the new Teaching Hospital Amendment Act, very often they had thought stakeholders didn’t want them to be present on the teaching hospital boards, when all their part ways of lobbying was exhausted, they fell on the Parliamentary Select Committee on Health.

We listened to them, and we saw the need to support them to be represented on the board in the form of allied health science representation, and they would do rotation as and when they understand and put arrangements in place”.

The Chairman said they are therefore disappointed that “on a major issue as this, they would not come to the Health Committee to discuss with us, because we represent the people and absolutely independent; so if you have frustrations with a CEO in a certain teaching hospital that we provide oversight for, If you have frustration with a certain minister that we provide oversight responsibility in his sector, then there could be a third party, the very third party as the Health Committee that lobbied for your interest to be represented; and that’s a milestone achievement because it has never happened since the Annals of this country, and then they would go and proceed on strike without involving us, we are worried.

The leadership has therefore, invited them to meet the Select Committee on Health, saying, “we’ve been there for them before, and we can be there for them, and we are ready to listen to them even when they think there’s a deadlock, and there’s no hope, we can give them hope.

This strike is not about condition of service, and that is normally the legendary reasons for strike, this is about issues we consider as important, however, should not affect the lives of our constituents”.

The Committee said they are ready to engage them and all stakeholders to find a middle ground.

The Ranking Member expressed disappointment in the Health Minister, for not taking steps to avert a nationwide strike when it first started at the Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital more than a week.

He called on all stakeholders in the health sector to respect each other as all of the professionals provide special services in health delivery.

Dominic Shirimori/Ghanamps.com

Staff, MPs assured of second jab of COVID-19 vaccine

The Speaker of Parliament, Alban Sumana Bagbin has on the assumption of the second meeting of the first session of the 8th Parliament of the fourth Republic cautioned members of the House not to lose guard on the COVID-19 protocols.

According to him, though some of the MPs and staff of Parliament have the opportunity of taking the second jab of the COVID-19 vaccine, “this does not in any way give total immunity against the disease.

According to him, he is reliably informed that “the two doses of vaccines provide only 75 percent immunity. We are accordingly advised to continue to observe the necessary COVID-19 protocols”.

The Speaker also noted that figures available to him concerning MPs and staff of the parliamentary service board who avail themselves for the second jab shows that a lot of them are yet to get the second jab. And assured them that efforts are being made to ensure they are all fully vaccinated.

He called for the policy of staff and Members of Parliament to space out as a means of decongesting the offices to be adhered to as the best way to deal with the virus.


Speaker urges MPs to brace themselves for a busy session

The Speaker of Parliament, Rt.Hon. Alban Sumana Bagbin has asked Members of Parliaments to brace themselves for a busy session as the house commences the second meeting of the first session of the eight parliament of the fourth republic.

Welcoming the House back from recess on Tuesday, May 25, 2021, the Speaker noted that “like medical practitioners, there is no rest for an MP. I repeat, it is true, like medical practitioners, there is no rest for an MP. This meeting promises to be very busy”.

He indicated that, apart from seeing to an early passage of the new Standing Orders of the Parliament of Ghana, the House is expected to consider and pass into law a number of important Bills. Among which include:
• The Petroleum Revenue Management Amendment Bill, 2021;
• The Supplementary Appropriation Bill 2021;
• The Exemptions Bill 2021;
• And a number of Private Members Bill; “as the House anxiously awaits the presentation of the all-important Affirmative Action Bill”. Adding that latest information has it that the Affirmative Action Bill is currently before Cabinet.

The House, he noted, would also consider a number of Private Members Motions, and international agreements, treaties and conventions during this meeting. “I can only urge members to psych up and prepare for hard work and long sitting hours” the Speaker said.

Dominic Shirimori/Ghanamps.com

Road component of the Synohydro project is a failure – Minority

Ranking Member on the Road and Highways Committee, Kwame Governs Agbodza said the road components of the Sinohydro programme of government is a failure, and advised government to look for something else to help improve the road infrastructure in the country.

Reacting to the Minister of Roads and Highways’ press briefing, Mr. Agbodza indicated that the Sinohydro project, the road component which is about 441 kilometers were all supposed to be completed by the end of 2020, but not a single one of them have been completed in the four years that they have been in government, and yet the Road Minster has repackaged them, and saying that those are going to be part of the 6000 kilometers of roads that they are going to do.

“We still insist that the Sinohydro, the road component is a failure and the government must look for something else to do about it”.

He said the about 11000 kilometers of roads programme, and 6000 that the minister said would be done between now and 2024, is woefully inadequate, adding that the government could do more based on the quantum of resources that have been given to this government.

“We would have been happier if the minister told you, or told the country which of the projects they completed within four years of President Akufo-Addo’s regime, but that information is very scanty, so basically what he has done is to repackage the same projects which should have been completed by the end of 2020 and pretending that those are the projects they are going to complete in 2024.

He said for majority of the sinohydro roads, the contractors have not even move to site, adding that the only project that has advanced a bit is the Tamale interchange, the rest are nowhere near completion.

And wondered how the Minister was going to finance all the projects he talked about during the press briefing considering the fact that the entire budgetary allocation for the Ministry is 2.4 billion, and just about 1billion is allocated for capital investment, “so how is the minister going to pay for the billions of projects he is talking about out of one billion”.

“The NDC believes in accelerated infrastructure development, that is why they build a lot when in government and support initiatives towards infrastructure development when not in government.

“In this house you will notice that perhaps 95 percent of bills brought to this house to procure projects to improve the living standards of this country by the New Patriotic Party, we have always supported it. It is only when we find problems with them that we query them, and we are not happy to say that on many occasions when we query them and they fail to listen, we all get into trouble, Sinohydro is one good example”, he said.

Dominic Shirimori/Ghanamps.com

Akim Oda MP presents 14 Mag handheld reapers to rice farmers

As part of the vision to establish a rice factory for Akim Oda Constituency under the 1D1F initiative, the Member of Parliament Alexander Akwasi Acquah together with the Municipal Chief Executive, Mrs. Victoria Adu, and the Municipal Agric Officer presented 14 MAG handheld reapers to 3 farmer groups in the municipality.

These handheld reapers will help ease the difficulty rice farmers go through in harvesting their produce and bring efficiency in their farming activities in the municipality.

Five of the 14 MAG handheld reaper machines were presented to Oda Nkwanta Rice Farmers Group, another five to Essam Rice Farmers Group and also four to Gyadam Rice Farmers Group respectively to enhance the production of rice in the municipality.

The MP also assured the rice farmers of a Combine Harvester to eliminate grain loss during manual cutting of the crops, tying the crop for carrying it around, transporting the harvest, and from incomplete threshing when the 1D1F starts to operate.

The MP was represented by the Institutional and Public Relations Committee Members.

Alex Oheneba Frimpong

Ghanaian-Nigeria traders’ brouhaha has become an albatross on the NPP government

 Deputy Ranking member on Trade Industry and Culture, Yusif Sulemana has said the current Nana Akufo-Addo government then in opposition politics the brouhaha that existed between Ghanaian and Nigerian traders.

According to him it has become an albatross around their neck, and he want to see commitment coming from the current government in resolving the matter.

“If it is about the law that is creating the problem, the former deputy trade Minister Carlos Ahinkorah has said the problem is the law, and if there is a problem with the law then we have parliament, and it is the right place where laws are amended”.

In an interview, he noted that it would be normal for the Executive arm of government to bring the issue to parliament for solution, but they have not, because there is no commitment
“I do not blame our local retailers because they are only ensuring that a law that is enshrined in our books is implemented and respected, so how do you blame them?”

Mr. Sulemana admitted that sometimes there are excess with the action of the Ghanaian traders, and that is where the problem is, and added that the Ghana Investment Promotion Act 865 section 27 clause 1 and 2 through to section 28, “that is where the whole problem is”, he said .

Act 865 section 28 clearly states that if you want to do retail business there is away to go about it, if you are not a Ghanaian, the conditions are difficult to meet, he noted.

“What is government doing to create the opportunity for them to tap into that great avenue of business in a manner that it would be a win-win situation for our local retailers to continue to benefit from it?”

Whiles our brothers and sisters from other countries would benefit from it, “government should not fold its arms as if things would be resolved on their own”.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com