According to her, there are factories in all the districts since the business ideas are coming from the districts including the new districts, and it is a promise fulfilled.
“When the Trade and Industry Minister says it’s at various levels of either completion that is what it is. Some of the factories came in immediately the policy was announced when we came into power while others came in later. They are all at different stages and every district has a project”, she said in an interview.
Mrs. Konadu further explained that all private entrepreneurs moving the 1d1f have been provided with utility incentives and government is not looking at profit from the factories rather it is for the future of the nation for people to get jobs.
And as they earn incomes when they are employed, “you are happy because they need good lives”. And this would address the issue of Ghanaian youth not just roaming about and engaging in all kinds of social vices that would not benefit the nation at the long round.
She expressed delight that the 1d1f has materialized because people are employed and with the coming in of the Free SHS with a lot of people going to school, when they come out, they would definitely be employed in the factories.
“The SHS graduates are better equipped to handle issues after their secondary education as they have a bit of broader outlook; it is a promise fulfilled”.
The National Coordinator of the programme also emphasized that the whole concept is not for people within the ruling government, rather it is for the whole nation and about building the nation for everyone to benefit.
Again, personnel within the Nation Builders Corps (NABCO) had been moved into the 1D1F and added that the fact that people are employed and working “gives us the needed joy as a government”.
In addition, government has given tax wavers to those who come under 1D1F as they import machines into the country. “It is clear that it is a private sector led initiative and they are connected to the national grade in terms of electricity for free”.
Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com