Out of the about 34 million people in Ghana, 276 honourable people have been voted to represent Ghanaians as Members of Parliaments’. These honourable men and women have often solicited your views to better represent you in Parliament.
A venues to gather these views have often not been available. With websites being one of the strong channels for providing political information and for conducting political activities and decision-making, it is only appropriate that the applications of the www-technology is made available as a major channel for political activism.
The next step in parliamentary politics is here offers an incredibly unique resource for all to use in their efforts to have a voice in the political arena. There are no more excuses for pessimism.
As most democracies now depend on the concepts of eGovernment and eDemocracy which situate Members of Parliament’s www-pages in that context, Ghana as a beacon of Africa’s democracy cannot be left out. With Members of Parliament being in a central position, as they have a lot of political power, but are often so far from the electors both mentally and physically, keeping in touch with them electronically becomes a necessity.
This website will not only serve as a vehicle to describe the political activities of MPs but that it will serve also as a window into the beautiful constituencies they represent.
The drop down menu on this page will allow you to generate lists of MPs. You can look at all MPs arranged alphabetically by name or by constituency. You can also generate lists by membership of political party, by gender or by profession.
All lists contain links to biographical information and contact details. Find out interesting information relating to the role and function of MPs.