July 9, 2021

Parliament has constituted a nine-member ad hoc committee to investigate into the procurement contracts between the government of the Republic of Ghana through the Ministry of Health and Sheikh Ahmed Dalmook Al Maktoum, and one other for supply of Sputnik-V COVID-19 vaccines and submit a report for the consideration of the House.


  1. Alexander Afenyo Markin- Chairman
  2. Mintah Akandoh – Vice Chairman
  3. Bernard Ahiafoh
  4. Kwame Anyim-Adu Antwi
  5. Nana Ayew- Afiriyie
  6. Ernest Henry Norgbey
  7. Elizabeth Ofosu -Agyare
  8. Umar Farouk Aliu Mahama
  9. Sheila Bartels

Terms of reference

  • To determine whether or not the transaction with respect to the procurement and supply……qualifies as an international business and economics transaction under article 181(5) of the constitution and if so whether it was subjected to prior approval by parliament;
  • To determine the procurement process that was followed, and the propriety of same
  • To determine whether the services of a middleman was procured in the transaction, and if so the propriety of same having regard to the relevant laws;
  • To ascertain the cost of the vaccine, the justification of the cost of vaccine, and whether the transaction guarantee value for money for Ghana;
  • To determine whether or not any consideration has passed from government of the Republic of Ghana to the middleman;
  • To determine whether or not the Ministry of Health misled parliament during the consideration of the transaction for the procurement of the vaccine;
  • To enquire into any other matters connected with the purchase and supply of the Sputnik-V vaccine in the agreement between the Government of Ghana and the other parties.


The Minority Leader, and a member of the 7 MPs who file the Private Members’ Motion stated that their quest is to ensure that “the people of Ghana have value for money, for the use of the taxpayer’s money, particularly that as a country we’ve not been able to cover a significant part of our population; only 450, 000, less than one percent of the population with over 19 billion is worrying.”


Mr. Haruna Iddrisu together with six other MPs from the Minority side of the House, including Alhaji Mohammed Muntaka Mubarak, Kwabena Mintah Akandoh, Dr. Sebastian Ngmenenso Sandaare, Mr.  Samuel Okudzato Ablakwa, Dr Mark Kurt Nawaane, and Ernest Henry Norgbey on Thursday, July 8, 2021 filed a private member motion urging the House to constitute a bi-partisan Committee to investigate the procurement contracts between the government of the Republic of Ghana and Sheikh Ahmed Dalmook Al Maktoum, and one other for supply of Sputnik-V COVID-19 vaccines and submit a report for the consideration of the House.

The Committee has 3 weeks to present its report for consideration by the House

Dominic Shirimori/Ghanamps.com