Member of Parliament (MP) for Wassa East Constituency Isaac Adjei Mensah has issued a plea to the striking doctors to go back to work.
He said the strike is having a negative effect on innocent Ghanaians who through no fault of theirs are bearing the brunt of the strike.
In his view, the doctors’ demand is on a high side therefore they should come down and accept what the government is ready to offer.
Speaking on Adom FM’s morning show ‘Dwaso Nsem’ Thursday, the MP said the law does not stipulate that doctors go to strike over benefits therefore it is against the labour law of the country.
The doctors, he said should follow what the law says and stop coercing government to adhere to their demands by resorting to this strike action.
Mr. Mensah who is also the Deputy Minister for Roads and Highways noted that, the doctors can negotiate while working to avoid any casualties during the strike.
He pleaded to the doctors to seize the strike and go back to work because their actions have put the nation under distress.
Doctors working in public health facilities are currently on strike over lack of condition of service from government.
Their action has led to the suspension of services to Out-Patient Departments (OPDS). They have also threatened to withdraw their services on in-patients and emergency cases which are still being attended to if government does not adhere to their claim.
Meanwhile President Mahama has indicated he will not authorize any expenditure or wages not provided for in the budget for both workers and Article 72 office holders.
He said any unbudgeted payment made to the doctors will open the floodgates for others in the health sector to make demands that will lead to distortions in the Single Spine Salary Structure.