Dr Hanna Louisa Bissiw, Deputy Minister of Food and Agriculture (MOFA), has denied speculation about the ban on the importation of poultry products into the country.
“The Ministry has not banned the importation of poultry products; what we are doing is to regulate the level of imports, so as to create space for local poultry production.
“The laws and regulations on frozen meat imports are strictly being enforced, and I would therefore advise all importers to register with the Veterinary Services Directorate, and also to acquaint themselves with the procedure and requirements for the importation of meat products,” she added.
The Deputy Minster, speaking at the launch of the Ghana Broiler Revitalization Project in Accra, said “it is imperative that permits are obtained from MOFA before meat products are brought into the country, and not vice versa, as has been the practice.”
She said henceforth any importer who brings in meat products without a permit will be arraigned before the courts for prosecution, as enshrined in the Diseases of Animal Act of 1961.
Dr Bissiw said it has also come to the notice of the Ministry that some government agencies are issuing permits for the importation of frozen meat, and that was outright illegal.
“Please be informed that the Ministry of Food and Agriculture is solely mandated to grant permit for the importation of frozen meat into the country,” she added.
The Broiler Revitalization Project, an initiative of the government through MOFA, in collaboration with the Ghana National Association of Poultry Farmers (GNAPF), aimed at developing the poultry industry along the poultry value chain, ensuring that all players play their roles effectively.
Selected hatcheries would produce day old chicks for supply to hub and satellite farmers to raise up to seven weeks. They would be supplied with good quality broiler feed and good veterinary care.
At maturity, selected processing plants will collect live birds, process and package them for supply to off takers, who will supply to cold stores for consumption.
Some eight hub farms and 58 satellite farms were selected from the Ashanti and Brong-Ahafo Regions to kick-start the project this year
Source: GNA