The Member of Parliament for Akim Oda Constituency Mr. Alexander Akwasi Acquah said parliament can do more to reduce road accidents in the country.
According to Mr. Acquah, “if we know the value of live and we know the kind of people that have been rendered fatherless or motherless because of these accidents then we have to find money from the various institutions that are supposed to for this integrated system to be implemented.”
Contributing on PM Express, on Accra base Joy News on “the Pandemic of Road Crushes: Ending the Carnage, he said; “We need an integrated system to check traffic regulations so that the lives we lost on the high ways can reduce, and these are things that we have to put pressure on because we cannot afford to lose lives this way, he stated.
The Oda MP was himself a victim of road crashes on February 1 2021 when he was returning from Koforidua in the Eastern Region on official duty.
He, however, escaped unhurt and was in parliament after a few hours of the incident.