November 2, 2020
Member of Parliament for Kumbungu Ras Mubarak on Friday, October 30, 2020 wanted the Majority Leader to tell the House status of the new revised Standing Orders of the House considering that the seventh Parliament has seven days more break for this year general elections.

According to him resources and time has gone into the new revised standing orders of the House, hence it should find expression in this week’s work of the House.

In his response, Leader of Government Business, Osei-Kyei-Mensh-Bonsu noted that work had been concluded on the revised standing orders but there is one issue that is outstanding that needs clearance and he would have discussions with the Minority Leader to bring finality to that matter.

And when concluded then standing order would be programmed for finality to be brought to the issue of the standing order that has attracted a lot of questions in the fourth session of the seventh parliament.

The Kumbungu lawmaker again demanded to know when the performance audit report on the Ministry of Special Development Initiative for last year and that of the Zongo Development Ministry would be presented to the House?

Mr. Osei-Kyei noted that the issue had been raised by the Minority Leader last two weeks ago and there are six more reports that should come to the House and all would be done to ensure that their reports come to the House in the fullness of time.

“It would be better for us to have them before the lifespan of the seven parliament ends”, he said in his response to the question asked by Ras Mubarak.

 His last question was on the Private Members Bill, pointing out that it is small but monumental pet of the speaker, therefore there should be provision of space this week to deal with it, as it has no controversial issues and can be dealt with, within half an hour.

The Majority Leader indicated that he has taken not of the request and all would be done to ensure that the private members bill is implemented, before the lifespan of the seventh parliament ends.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/