June 9, 2022

The Nigerian Federal capital Abuja would today host the first ordinary Session of the Community Parliament which would host one hundred and fifteen (115) lawmakers, in line with Article 27 of the Supplementary Act A/SA.1/1/16 relating to their enhanced powers.
During this Session, there would be deliberation of draft community regulations emanating from the ECOWAS Commission targeted at improving governance and unconstitutional change of government and give solutions to consolidating democracy in the sub-region.
Among the key highlights is presentation of state of the Community report by the president of the Commission by its president, Dr. Jean Claude Kassi Brou in accordance with Article 32 of the Supplementary Act.
“At each ordinary session of the ECOWAS Parliament, the president of the Commission shall present a general report on the state of implementation of the Community’s work programme”.
And an opportunity for the ECOWAS citizen representatives to track and oversee the implementation of the Community programmes.
In this session there is an interactive session planned with the ECOWAS Commissioner for Agriculture, Environment and Water Resources on the main initiatives of the departments within its technical competence.