June 20, 2024

In support of their boycott on Thursday, June 20, 2024, three members of the Minority who were on the floor of the House Walked out after the Second Deputy Speaker Andrew Amoako Asiamah came to the floor to chair proceedings and prayer was said.

Former Minority Leader Haruna Iddrisu, Etsey Kame Rockson-Dafeamekpor and Abed-Nego Bandim were on the floor of the House when the Second Deputy Speaker walked in. but just after prayers, Bernard Ahiafor called them to walk out and they did.

As at 2:30pm when business was ongoing on the floor of the House some Minority MPs and the Minority chief whip Governs Kwame Agbodza were at the coffee shop area waiting to hear information from the court before taking any action.

However, attendance by the Majority MPs was also not encouraging; as a count of the Majority Members of Parliament on the floor of the House doing business as at the time of filling this story was only sixteen, (16)

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com