According to the Minister, the factory after its commissioning by the previous government 31st of May, 2016, had been idle due to serious deficiencies in the planning of the project and other financial technical and legal challenges.
Again, on the commissioning of the factory it was not in position to produce required white refined sugar due to the absence of the following processing components units, which were not fully installed during the test-run – melt clarification unites, vertical crystallizers and dosing system.
This came to light when Member of Parliament for Komenda/Edina/Eguafo/Abrem Samuel Atta-Mills ask why the Komenda Sugar factory has been shut down and what are the reasons for shutting down the factory.
“Overall, about thirty-five items had not been installed on commissioning although they are critical for the production of sulphurless white sugar, the land size available for cultivation is far less than the 6,000 acres required to supply sugar cane to run the factory at full capacity.
There has been no out-grower scheme developed for small scale farm holders to support a nucleus plantation for the factory”, he minister stated.
In addition, the soil condition in the factory catchment area is not favorable and requires significant application for both organic and inorganic fertilizers to improve yields.
“Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to announce that the bid evaluation process has been completed by the transaction advisor and a recommendation has been made for consideration by the Ministry and cabinet”.
Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com