September 26, 2018

Minority leader in Parliament, Haruna Iddrisu has suggested the need for Ministers of State who have been reshuffled from one portfolio to the other to be re-vetted.

According to him it is time Ministers are vetted for positions for which they have been appointed unlike the current norm where a Minister who is reshuffled from one sector to another is made to assume duty without the due process of Parliamentary scrutiny.

He quoted provisions of article 256 and 78 of the constitution where appointments are done with the prior approval of Parliament.

Mr Haruna who is also the Member of Parliament for Tamale South feared that if Ministers of State are not always scrutinized for the specific positions for which they are appointed, a time would come where square pegs would be mixed in round holes lacking the needed competence for the detriment of the whole nation.

The Majority leader, Osei Kyei- Mensah- Bonsu technically agreed with the argument saying it is time to interrogate the matter further to help improve the Nation’s governance structure.

By Christian Kpesese/