August 23, 2017

Member of Parliament for the South Dayi constituency in the Volta region, Rockson-Nelson Etse Kwami Dafeamekpor has urged regulatory bodies in the country to sit up in the performance of their functions for greater outcomes.

He expressed worry about the apparent laxity on the part of some regulatory bodies that has resulted in lawlessness in the country.

According to him, Ghana would have been better off had its established regulatory and monitoring institutions perform their work efficiently.

“If regulatory institutions work, well, the country would be better off’’ Hon Dafeamekpor said.

The MP’s call came in the wake of a revelation during the Public Accounts Committee sitting of Parliament that most Telecommunication operators in that country have not renewed their licenses for many years running with the regulator, the National Communications Authority (NCA) looking on helplessly.

Officials of NCA appeared before the committee to respond to queries raised by 2015 Auditor General`s report against the telecom sector regulator.

By Christian Kpesese/