The Deputy Minister designate for Health, Alexander Akwesi Acquah has opined that the way to addressing the challenges of uncompleted health facilities would be to focus on those that are at advanced stages of completion.
Responding to a question from the Ranking Member on the health Committee of Parliament Kwabena Mintah Akandoh on the nominee’s take on the numerous uncompleted health facilities across the country, he said the 50 million budgetary allocation in the 2024 budget is woefully inadequate to complete all the facilities hence the focus would be to address the problem gradually focusing on those that are near completion.
The nominee who himself is into hospital business admitted that managing health facility is capital incentive and that the number of months left for this government, not much can be done by way of completing all the abandoned health projects, but government would do its best to tackle some of them.
When approved, Mr. Akwesi Acquah would be one of two deputies at the health ministry and is expected to bring to bear his business acumen in the health sector.