June 21, 2018

Member of Parliament for Afram Plains North, Betty Nana Efua Krosbi Mensah has challenged young girls from Anfoega Senior High school to work hard to take up leadership position in the country.

She encouraged the young girls to take their studies seriously and urged them to be bold, “do not give in to young men who would only buy credit for you, this is not what you should be aspiring for you have to aspire for something better”, she said.

Miss Betty Krosbi Mensah, bemoaned the current situation in her constituency where in the Eastern Region, they come second when it comes to teenage pregnancy.

Students from Anfoega Senior High School in the North Dayi were is Parliament House to witness proceedings in the chamber.

She further told the students, their MP Joycelyn Tetteh made an inspiring statement on the floor of the House on teenage pregnancy, which was all over the media and lawmakers gave their opinion on how to combat the menace.

Again the Minister of Gender, Children and Social Protection is to work on the affirmative action bill, if that in place, when that is in place and my party is in power it is going to be easy for women to occupy leadership position.

“Sadly out of the 275 MPs in Parliament now, we have only 37 in Parliament, when we have the affirmative Act in place the trend would change we would have a lot of women in leadership position”, she said.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com