Mr. Peter Nortsu-Kotoe, Akatsi North Member of Parliament, has cautioned communities against loaning project materials out for personal projects.
He said project materials were not for constructing graves or personal building projects.
Mr Nortsu-Kotoe said this when he donated 900 bags of cement to seven institutions and communities in his constituency to undertake or complete self-help projects.
Beneficiaries include Avega and Wuata communities which had 100 bags each for CHPs Compound projects.
Another 100 bags each went to Atiglime community centre project and Dzadzefe-Havi EP Church Sunday School block.
Dzalele EP church had 300 bags and some chiefs also benefited to rehabilitate their palaces.
The MP said the practice of lending project materials often led to quarrels when beneficiaries delayed or refused to return the items, thereby dragging communities behind.
Mr. Nortsu-Kotoe agreed to support the Avega CHPs project with some cement blocks and sand.
He said in view of the high project cost, communities should arrange to execute projects partly through communal labour.
Mr. Nortsu-Kotoe later joined Mr James Gunu, Akatsi-North District Chief Executive, to inaugurate CHPs Compounds at Avevi and Dzalele.
The facilities, which have weighing sheds attached, were built by the Assembly at GHC45, 000 each.
Mr. Gunu said the MP’s uncommon collaborative posture was working well for the infant district and that his outfit was creating the enabling environment for health care delivery to flourish.
The DCE said he had had some negative reports about some health staff and appealed to nurses to refrain from treating patients with scorn.
He said such conducts could defeat the country’s zero or reduced maternal and infant mortality goal.
Ms. Doris Asamoah, a Senior Staff Nurse in charge of Public Health at Ave-Dakpa Health Centre, said the CHPs compounds were strategies to rope many more, especially rural dwellers, into the health delivery system.
Mr. Patrick Ahiabu, Akatsi-North District Assembly Presiding Member, said some villages that were unable to organize communal labour to support European Union classroom projects still did not have decent classroom blocks.