February 18, 2018

Member of Parliament for Nusta/Kwamang/Beposo and chairman of the Committee on Agriculture and Cocoa Affairs, Kwame Asafu-Adjei has noted that the alien nomadic herdsmen are to be blamed for destruction of farm lands and killing of local indigenes.

He noted that they are harmful and destroy farms as they pass through from one location to the other in search for food and water for their cattle’s.

According to the Nusta/Kwamang/Beposo legislator the difference between the local Fulani and the alien is, the alien’s cattle have long horns and are huge compare to the local Fulani whose cattle’s horns are short.
And further added that the local Fulani do speak the local Ghanaian languages and would want to settle problems with the local people and do not engage in killing of the local people.

Alien Fulani’s are most of the time in the forest after they have taken their cattle to graze and destroy farm land produce.

He said the alien Fulani herdsmen even go to the extent of commanding their cattle’s to attack local people mostly in the Agogo area and his constituency Nusta/Kwamang/Beposo.

And urged the various Assemblies having difficulties with activities of the Fulani herdsmen to find grazing grounds for them at a cost and called for a tag to be given to them any time they enter Ghana through the borders.

They should not be allowed to stay in this country more than a year and when the rains start in their country, these alien nomadic herdsmen should go back to their country.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com