July 24, 2014

Member of Parliament for Ablekuma West, Ursula Owusu Akuful has asked the Police administration to allow disgruntled workers under the umbrella body the Trades Union Congress (TUC) to freely demonstrate their displeasure about current economic hardship facing most of the citizenry.

According to her, with the current level of despondency among the general public, a demonstration to vent out their spleen is the only way that a revolution would be avoided, adding that no impediment must be put in the way of the demonstrators.

Organized labour at a news conference on Friday July 18, declared a nationwide demonstration and strike indicating its intentions to hit the streets on Thursday July 24, to protest against the worsening economic conditions in the country.

In a joint statement, leaders of the Organized Labour deplored the recent 23 percent increase in petrol prices and also accused government of passing on taxes and charges to Ghanaians “without estimating the impact of such increases on our wellbeing”.

The Police has asked organized labour to hold their procession on regional basis and on different days since the Police service will be over stretched to provide security for the demonstrators if the nationwide action is held on one day.

However Organized Labour remains adamant and has vowed to go ahead with the street action tomorrow Thursday 24th July 2014.

Hon. Ursula Owusu Akuful who was all for the labour action in a discussion on Oman FM’s “National Agenda” programme on Wednesday asked the government to be tolerant and not use the Police to foil the demonstration.

She further described the ruling National Democratic Congress (NDC) government as clueless, visionless and a purposeless administration whose mismanagement of the economy has brought untold hardship on Ghanaians.

“It appears the NDC government is cursed and cannot do anything right, whatever they touch fails, what crime at all has Ghanaians committed for voting for this government” she asked.

Kwadwo Anim/Ghanamps.gov.gh