Headmistress of Apersua MA/primary Teye Korlekie Dina has appeal to the Municipal Chief Executive (MCE) of the Yilo Krobo Municipal Assembly for her school to be considered in the next batch of schools to benefit from the school feeding.
According to her the current school population of ninety one (91) would have been more if the school had benefited from the school feeding programme. At the moment, she said most of the pupils have moved to the adjourning community schools because they enjoy the feeding programme.
In an interview she noted that as a farming community Apersua has a lot of children who are not in school and are home due to financial difficulties and the introduction of school feeding would motivate the children to come to school.
“One of our desired needs is the school feeding programme and we are most grateful to the MCE that when we appeal to him he indicated that this school would be considered in the next batch”.
As to how the relationship has been between the school and parents, she noted that it has been cordial as parents assist anytime they need their assistance.
Mrs Teye Korlekie was very grateful to the Yilo Krobo lawmaker for his intervention that has put smiles on the faces of teachers, pupils and the parents with the renovation of the Apersua primary and building of a new kindergarten block.
“When I was posted here I met a very deplorable school building our desire was that somebody comes to our aid; lucky for us the MP showed the zeal to work on the building and that is what we have seen done by him”.
Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com