June 17, 2013

The Member of Parliament for Asante Akyem North, Kwadwo Baah Agyemang as part of his social responsibility donated a set of jerseys and football to the Juansa Methodist Primary School in his constituency.

Kwadwo Baah Agyemang after the donation advised the students to take their studies seriously in order to become good and responsible citizens in the future. “Your parents have invested in you, especially the education given you. The best repayment you can give them is to learn hard and become the doctors, teachers, pilots, technicians, politicians you have always dreamt of” the MP advised.

He further asked the children to imbibe the fear of God in them, stating “Without God, I promise you will not be able to accomplish anything on this earth.”

The Headmaster of the School, Joe Nimo Aikins, who received the donation, expressed his appreciation to the MP for honouring his promise. He appealed to the Member of Parliament to construct an ICT centre for the school so as to allow the children to keep in tune with developments in the ICT world.

In a related development, the MP donated a laptop to the best student of the Agogo Training College during their 2012/2013 graduation ceremony.

He promised to increase the price package next year to cover students who will excel in individual subjects. This he pointed out will help retain the college’s status as the best training college in the country.

Kwadwo Baah Agyemang in February also adopted the children’s ward of the Agogo Hospital after feting the kids who were on admission.

Dominic Shirimori/Ghanamps.gov.gh