September 30, 2010

Investigations by the Commission for Human Rights and Administrative(CHRAJ) into the alleged misappropriation of public funds by the Former Minister of Youth and Sports, and Member of Parliament fo Asawase continues today after initial hearing on Monday.

Complainants in the case against former Youth and Sports Minister, Alhaji Muntaka Mubarak, dropped all allegations leveled against him except for one, because nobody was willing to give evidence.

The Progressive Nationalist Form petitioned the Commission on Human Rights and Administrative Justice CHRAJ over the case against the former minister.

CHRAJ is now pursuing only one allegation against him, which is based on the government’s white paper.

Several allegations were leveled against the former Youth and Sports Minister Alhaji Muntaka Mubarak by the ministry’s Principal Accountant, Adim Odoom and the Chief Director, Albert Kwadwo Ampong last year.

They include the use of public funds to purchase items such as diapers, oil, meat and fraudulent acquisition of a visa for one Edith Zinayela then secretary to the Majority Leader in Parliament.

President Attah Mills then asked the National Security to investigate the allegations and subsequently submitted a report to him. Soon afterwards the minister resigned with a promise to make good to the state all liabilities incurred.

Pressure group Progressive Nationalist Forum who did not want the issue to die petitioned CHRAJ to investigate the allegations.

Spokesperson for the group Richard Kwasi Nyama had said their persistence in pursuing the case was based on the president’s response outlined in the white report.

Lawyers for the accused Kwesi Baffoe and Kissi Agyabeng at the first hearing were not convinced with the originality of the evidence tendered in.

According to them, the report’s cover letter did not suggest that it was from the seat of government.

Nonetheless CHRAJ Commissioner Emile Short after examining the document accepted it as evidence.

A second document tendered in evidence was also challenged by the lawyers on the basis that the type of paper used was suspicious and the signature of the then presidential spokesperson Mahama Ayariga was faint therefore casting doubts on its source.

But that argument also did not stand. Mr. Short accepted that as well, but only on condition that its contents were for only allegation against the fraudulent issuance of visa and nothing else, of which the pressure group agreed.

Story by :Kwadwo Anim/