June 27, 2011

The Member of Parliament for Bimbila, Dominic Nitiwul has warned that any acts by the three factions embroiled in the Ga chieftaincy feud that will breach peace within the Ga Mashie area will have dire international consequences for the country.

He said investors would always shy away from investing their resources in unstable areas and it is important that Accra which is the capital and the first stop for most foreign investors have the needed peaceful atmosphere for development.

The MP’s comment comes in the wake of the out-dooring of a purpoted Ga Mantse, Nii Tackie Adama Latse over the weekend, an activity that is believed by section of the public to be illegitimate and may cause unrest in Ga mashie.

This brings to three the number of occupants of the Ga Stool, with one Ayittey Canada also claiming to be the rightful Ga Mantse aside King Tackie Tawiah 11, who was installed in 2006.

Contributing to a panel discussion on Metro TV’s Good Morning Ghana show, the Member of Parliament for Bimbila, Dominic Nitiwul noted that as Ghana continue to seek for foreign investments it is important that stakeholders continue to find lasting peace in Accra which is the first point of call for foreign investors who come to the country by air transport.

He urged the various factions to use due process to solve the chieftaincy crises at the Ga Traditional Council which is the most appropriate body to deal with the issue.

Hon. Dominic Nitiwul was however happy that King Tackie Tawiah had exercise a lot of restrained in the wake of such provocations and called for cool heads as the Traditional Council gives its ruling on the issue.

Source: Kwadwo Anim/ghanamps.gov.gh