July 5, 2024

Delay in the start of works on the Eastern Railway Network from the Tema Port to Boankra is of a major concern to some members of the Roads and Transport Committee.

Mr. Samuel Atta Mills, a member of the Committee raised issues with this after presentation on the project was done to the Committee members who were on an oversight mission to ascertain progress of work.

“You have started this project how many more years do we have to wait for the railway line to be completed for Boankra to be useful. Are we going to let it sit as a white elephant?” He queried.

The consultant on the project Dr. John B. K. York pointed out to members of the Committee that there is work currently ongoing on the Western rail line leading to Boankra from Takoradi which is sixty-six (66) kilometers to Boankra.

But the Eastern rail line is going through the process, and yet to be started. He added further that by the time the Inland port is completed, fleets would still come by road until the rail lines are completed.

In addition, the Committee was briefed that with the completion of Boankra Inland Port, fourteen percent (14%) of the workload in Tema would be taken off. Government he said is however looking forward to using Public-Private-Partnership approach to develop the three hundred and thirty (330) kilometers Eastern Rail line to Boankra, and the process is ongoing.

The Railways Ministry told the Committee that studies have been done and submitted to the PPP Committee of the Ministry of Finance. They have received approval and have been directed to go to the market and invite private developers to partner government develop the Eastern Railways to Boankra Inland Port.

Mr. Emmauel Gyamfi pointed out to his colleagues that neighboring Republic of Togo has built an Inland port without Rail lines and in that process they have even taken away Ghana’s business from the Tema port; most especially from Mali, Niger, and Burkina Faso.

These countries now do their transit through Togo and encourage members that it should not be said that because the rail line would not be completed in time, the project would be useless; “that is a wrong impression if we compare what Togo is doing.”

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.co