July 23, 2020

Speaker of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Parliament Rt. Hon Sidie Mohamed Tunis has commended Heads of States in the sub-region for measures taken collectively and individually in addressing the spread of the coronavirus.

According to him he was invited virtually to participate in the Extra Ordinary Summit of Heads of States and Government on COVID-19 held on April 22, 2020, an evidence of the commitment of the Heads of States towards the fight of the pandemic.

He further noted that pictures of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic is not entirely gloomy though admittedly, infection rates are growing daily and deaths are still being recorded from complication associated with  the virus.

He noted that across the globe, the sub-region inclusive are becoming more familiar with the nature of complications that lead to death. Consequently, they are working towards ensuring that they treat symptoms as they appear and also identify certain existing drugs meant for other ailments to assist limit damages to infected patients.

The economic effects are yet to be determined, since the pandemic is still raging, there is hope that with collaboration and togetherness, we shall come out and tell the story one day, he emphasised.

The Speaker noted that the second extra ordinary session essentially was to consider some important referrals from the ECOWAS Commission and added that he expects that relevant standing committees would work assiduously to ensure that the view of the people are reflected in their decision making.

“I am aware that the draft Strategic Plan for the 5th Legislature is about being concluded by the General Secretariat for onward presentation to us. While we patiently await its submission for our consideration, we will also pursue the 2020 work plan as vigorously as the situation permits us to. In collaboration with the General Secretariat, we are watching unfolding events as they relate to the safety of holding physical meetings”.

And added that, the task of representing the people, embarking on oversight functions, conducting parliamentary interpellation, and providing a voice for the voiceless is beyond holding virtual meetings; ECOWAS Parliament, he added, would do its best to discharge its duty.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com