January 7, 2015

The Member of Parliament (MP) for the Damongo Constituency, Adams Mutawakilu Galus has donated ten motor bikes to the Community Based Health Planning and Services (CHPS) compound and another clinic in the West Gonja District.

This move according to the MP is aimed at helping Health personnel in Damongo to deliver quality health care to residents in and outside the West Gonja District.

“I made a certain promise I said it is my hope that this place will be a polyclinic soon. Therefore these motorbikes will hopefully help to ensure the smooth running of the health Centre,” he said.

The MP therefore urged the people of the of the West Gonja district to keep faith in the ruling party’s better Ghana agenda

“The president and his determination to make sure that we have access to health care he has directed that all his appointees including him, 10 percent will be deducted from their salaries for the construction of CHIP compounds,” he added.

He added that as member of the party it was their duty to help the president achieve these dreams.

Meanwhile the sub in charge of the health center, Al-Hassan Mohamed applauded the MP’s move adding the bikes came at a needed time

“If we tell you how much we are spending on our motorbike you won’t believe because you look at the attendance in this community the number we have seen is more than the community as most people in and around town attend our facilities” he disclosed.