February 14, 2019
Member of Parliament for Nsawam Adoagryiri, Frank Annoh-Dompreh is calling for decentralization of the scholarship secretariat.

According to the chairman of the Foreign Affairs committee, there are brilliant but needy children in remote areas who had to travel all the way to Accra but most of the time do not have money to travel.

He further added that many of such brilliant children have never traveled to the national capital and do not even know the existence of a scholarship secretariat with bursary support, even if they do, they are not away with the ways and means to get it.

“Having taken interest in the situation since my school days, it had always been my wish to champion and advocate for the decentralization such an important institution to our regions and districts by extension”.

Mr. Frank Annoh-Dompreh noted that it is highly commendable that a positive action is being made to bridge the gap arising from remoteness to the scholarship secretariat in other regions of the country.

“Having cited a letter from the secretariat requesting all Regional Coordinating councils to team up and collaborate with Metropolitan, Municipal and District Chief Executives (MMDCE’s) across the country, to meet a team from the secretariat to discuss  the roadmap leading to the achievement of the decentralization objective, gives me so much respite and hope, a boost to our decentralization drive”.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com