February 20, 2023

The Deputy Majority Leader Alexander Kwamena Afenyo-Markin has taken a swipe at the Minority on the Appointment Committee for being controlled by their party – the National Democratic Congress (NDC) at the National headquarters to ensure they down size the size of government.

According to him, he does not understand why his colleagues have come to seat on the Appointment Committee since they have been directed to reject President Nana Akufo-Addo’s nominees and express shock at the directives by the NDC General Secretary.

“Is the Minority Leader and his team incompetent to make decisions until the party instruct them on what to do in Parliament?’

Again, in democracy you might have your disagreement but that should not be used to stampede government, and does not know why they are coming to seat on the Committee when they have a prejudice mind, he added.

“You want to ask questions to embarrass them, and go ahead and say we have failed you; I am disappointed in the NDC and if they are preparing to take over affairs of government then they should behave well because what they are doing is way below the belt”.

He further indicated in his briefing that Article 94 of the 1992 constitution is very clear on who qualifies to be a Minister of state; there are fundamental qualifications to be a Member of Parliament and that qualifies you to be a Minister.

And all they are doing does not have a foundation in the constitution and they are going to observe their conduct on the Committee.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com