May 29, 2021

In the wake of debate to get lawmakers in the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Parliament directly elected, Chairman of the Authority of Heads of States and Government, President Nana Akufo-Addo has boosted that call by pointing out the need to equip the parliament with the necessary powers to heighten its responsibility.

According to him Article 18 of the Supplementary Act on enhancement of power talks about election of MPs by universal adult suffrage, “we should all agree that direct elections by the citizens would give true legitimacy to the institution at the same time forester the requirement of accountability to our people”.

He further noted that it would be a bold step in the realization of our resolve to move ECOWAS from state, to ECOWAS of people. “I need to state my firm commitment and support for any proposal aim at directly electing MPs”

Addressing the Community Parliament at the opening of the first Ordinary Session for this year, be noted that observer mission from ECOWAS who have observed, elections conducted in member states in their report noted that there is much improvement needed in sub-regional electoral system.

“Our democracy is still young and fragile, I am confident that we would overcome most of the deals being witnessed at the moment, and a lot would depend on holding free, fair and credible elections for which we would continue to strive for perfection”.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/