March 2, 2011

The Member of Parliament for Atwima Mponua, Isaac Asiamah, has objected to suggestion for the term of office for future governments to be extended beyond the current four years.

He said four years is enough for any serious government to be able to honor promises it made to the electorate during electioneering campaigns.

Former President John Agyekum Kufour, before exiting office in 2008 proposed the extension of the term of office for presidents to enable them realize their manifesto promises.

The issue has once again come up for discussion at a five –day conference organized by the Constitution Review Commission opens which opened on 1st March and ends on 5th March 2011.

The conference would articulate concerns of the citizenry as regards the amendments required for a comprehensive review and make recommendations to the Government for consideration and provide a draft bill for possible.

However commenting on the issue on’s Breakfast TV show Wednesday, the Member of Parliament for Atwima Mponua, Isaac Asiamah accused politicians of making unrealistic promises that obviously cannot be honored within a four year period.

He opined, it is important that the various parties back their manifestos with an ction plan that will help them prosecute their promises when elected into power.

‘Politicians mount platform and make all sorts of promises to be delivered when elected, and Ghanaians don’t even ask them how they are practically going to achieve that, that is why they continue to do that’’ he said.

Hon. Isaac Asiamah added that if the term of office for government is extended to five or eight years as has been suggested by a section of the public, execution of projects will be slowed as governments will think they have enough time on their hands.

Source: Kwadwo Anim/