July 11, 2024

Deputy Minority Leader in Ghana’s Parliament and a member of Ghana’s delegation to the Community Parliament, Emmanuel Kofi Armah Buah said for the sub-region to make impact, it is not for each individual member states being prosperous but the prosperity of all member states.

According to him being in the ECOWAS Parliament is an eye opener, fighting for the fundamental issues that addresses the bread and butter matters for the Community citizens.

In an interview he noted that Ghana cannot develop in isolation leaving the other member states, and pointed out further that in Ghana’s capital Accra it is visible the number of children of Niger, Burkina Faso origin along the streets begging; hence the need to prosper together.

“You will see yourself overwhelmed as a Nation by all these immigrants hence the need to have development plans and we should look beyond our borders, think beyond our borders”.

“Again, the ECO dream, what are we doing to ensure that it is realised and implemented? Look at the financial sector, the cost of foreign exchange, member states changing money into dollars. We have a long way to go, and until we address these things as a bloc we would not move forward if we continue to tackle them as individual member states.”

“We should think bigger than our tiny countries, so that we are not pushed around by smaller countries coming for summit, we are there with cup in hand those are the things that we were warned against by Ghana’s first president Dr. Kwame

Nkrumah and those visionary leaders of his time. If we do not move faster and together we would find ourselves where we are; we need to go back and pick those pieces”.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com