A member of the Nigerians delegation to the Economic Community of West Africa States (ECOWAS) Parliament, Awaji-Inombek Abiante is confident the brouhaha that has surrounded the parliament’s recruitment would definitely see an end. He, however noted that, the problem can best be resolved only if the recruitment process is satisfactory to all the parties involved.
“There should be due process making the entire thing transparent; there should be sense of justice”. “Whether in capital letters, small, Spanish or Portuguese, English and French you do not pick and choose; some people want to make themselves heroes, but we prefer the hero to be the parliament; let ECOWAS Parliament be the hero, there have been seeming resemblance of injustice over the years”.
He said this in an interview on his way to catch a flight to Nigeria in Lome Togo, after he moved a point of order to halt the Ad-Hoc Committee set up by the speaker in consultation with the Bureau to investigate alleged unjust recruitment at the Parliament, working against Nigerians. “We have some persons claimed they have worked in the Parliament for ten (10) to twenty (20) years, they have never earn promotion and the insinuation is that some people want to be recruited; I do not understand why people would imagine to support such a process”.
Additionally, he pointed that there is a comprehensive review of an audit and few things were recommended; “why are we running away from that audit route, let us look at it, whoever is not favored is not favored”. And from that point onwards things would be done rightly as no one is interested in anything different as due process and procedure should be followed, “that is all”.
Furthermore, he added that the Community Parliament has a lot to do in the wake of the recruitment brouhaha, that has engulfed it, stating that there is the need for capacity building to enhance the capacity of the parliament.
Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com