March 10, 2020
Speaker of the fifth Community Parliament, Rt. Hon. Sidie Mohamed Tunis has proposed the establishment of a Public Account Committee (PAC) with a core mandate of reviewing audit reports submitted by the Commission aimed at creating greater transparency.

According to the Speaker, it is intended to lay the basis for restoring financial integrity, accountability and public confidence in ECOWAS Institutions.

He made this proposal when he delivered his inaugural speech on Monday March 9, 2020 in Niamey Niger.

Also when established, it would give effect to financial management that places a greater implementation responsibility on managers and make them more accountable in their performance.

“The Committee shall among other things be the protector of public monies entrusted to our care, in compliance with Article 7 (c) of the Supplementary Act relating to the enhancement of the powers of the Parliament”, he stated.

The Speaker further noted that parliament shall exercise parliamentary oversight functions over the activities of program implementation bodies of the Community and adopt the appropriate resolutions.

Rt. Hon Tunis called for much attention to be paid to the performance aspects of the Community budget to demonstrate to stakeholders that ECOWAS resources are being used effectively to achieve results that would benefit its citizens.

“If ECOWAS States and Government must be accountable to its citizens and donor partners, the process must begin with ECOWAS Institutions. All monies spent must be scrutinized and ECOWAS Institutions must be run as efficiently and effectively as possible. As transparency, accountability goes hand in hand with   progress and prosperity to build a strong economy, society, security and opportunity for all”.

The Speaker noted that during the lifespan of the fifth legislature, economic issues, especially poverty eradication, rising inflation and high cost of living that have overwhelmed the community states will be part of the agenda and undertakings.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/