Chairman of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Parliament’s Committee on Political Affairs, Peace, Security and African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM) Senator Snowe Edwin Melvin Snowe Jr. has urged the sub-regional bloc to pay attention to the political situation in Senegal which is becoming alarming at the ongoing first Ordinary Session of 2023 in Abuja Nigeria.
According to him what is happening to the opposition there unhealthy and ECOWAS should call a spade a spade so that same situation does not repeat itself in member countries; freedom of speech should be respected.
He made this remarks when the Commission President Dr. Omar Alieu Touray presented the state of the Community report to the Parliament as part of Article 32 of the Supplementary Act enhancing the powers of the Community Parliament which afford MPs the opportunity to ask critical questions on happenings within the sub-region and how they should be addressed.
“At each Ordinary Session of the ECOWAS Parliament, the President of the Commission presents a general report of the state of implementation of the Community Work programme”.
As presentation of the state of the Community report provides an opportunity for MPs as representatives of the ECOWAS citizens to track and oversee the implementation of the Community Programmes.
He further commended the relationship between ECOWAS Commission and Parliament to the extent that whiles the Parliament is facing challenges in using its premises, the Commission has given it the opportunity to use it premises.
Hon Awaji-Inombek D. Abiante, member of the Nigerian delegation to the Community was worried about some developments in the sub-region where constitutions are tempered with and this affects the much talked about election of ECOWAS MPs when in the middle of term constitutions are changed.
In addition, he commended the relationship that exist between the Parliament and the Commission but was quick to point out that, it should not develop to the extent that the parliament will renege on its direct responsibilities.
“Parliament should not have its own House and go and stay in its neighbours House. We cannot hold others accountable when we are not accountable to ourselves. The relationship should be good; but Mr. President should Parliament come for this venue reject their request so that we can seat under mango trees to enable us put our House in order”, he stated.
Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com