June 25, 2019
Eight Ministers would be on the floor of the House to answer twelve questions this week, Minister of Parliamentary Affairs and leader of government business Osei Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu has revealed.

According to the Leader of Government Business, the Business Committee of the House reach this decision when they met last week.

Minister for Roads and Highways, Kwesi Amoakon-Atta would be on the floor to answer five questions whiles the Sanitation and Water Resources Ministers, and Interior Minister Ambrose Dery would be on the floor to answer a question each.

Ministers of Communications, Works and Housing, Trade and Industry, Lands and Natural Resources as well as Tourism Culture and Creative Arts would all take a question each for their Ministries.

In accordance with Order 70 (2), Speaker Aaron Michael Oquaye would allow Ministers of state to make statements on bills, papers and reports in accordance with Order 120.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com