November 2, 2020
Minority Leader, Haruna Iddrisu has taken a swipe at the Minister of Finance Ken Ofori Atta, for coming to the House to present budget for the first quarter of next year but failed to give the real state of the Ghanaian economy.

According to him, the Minister should have thrown light on performance of the economy in the first, second and third quarters of this year, for Ghanaians to have appreciation of how revenue has performed with COVID and without COVID.

He further pointed out that Ghanaians should know how growth of the economy fared to have an understanding of the economy, then we know what, “John Mahama would inherit if it would be a fragile economy depending on the debt and borrowing through sovereign bond three to five. It is only this Finance Minister who celebrates borrowing as if it would generate growth.

Mr. Iddrisu added that the International Monitory Fund (IMF) has revealed that Ghana’s debt to Grose Domestic Product is 74.4 percent moving into next year, it would only fall into 70.4 percent and it means Ghana is a debt risk distress country.

Again, the country would pay more on interest in servicing debt and added that borrowing cannot improve quality of life for Ghanaians, as this cannot be sources of prosperity, and the Finance Ministers own people, the Majority did not support him which means “all is not well”.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/