October 4, 2017
Majority leader Osei Kyei Mensah-Bonsu has indicated that all is set to the House to start sitting on Tuesday 3rd October 2017, after the House went on recess for almost two months in an interview.
Referrals has been made to various committees of the House, Northern Development Authority Bills, Middle Belt Development Authority Bill, Costal Belt Development Authority Bill.
And made known that he was with the joint committee on Finance Employment and Social Welfare over the weekend as they have gotten far with the Bill.
The Minister of Parliamentary Affairs in addition indicated that he visited the committee on Constitutional Legal and Parliamentary Affairs Committee, working on the Office of Special Prosecutor Bill. “Essential parts of the Bill have been dealt with and will be presented to the House this week”, he noted.
Committee on Local Government, over the weekend met outside Accra to look at the Zongo Development Fund Bill and will be presented to the House this week leader of the House revealed.
Also instruments which are urgent and needs ratification will be done on the floor of the House and we are expecting that members to attend to the business of the House in their numbers.

By: KwakuSakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com