December 6, 2018


Minister of National Security, Albert Kan Dapaah has commended a delegation of Ghanaians and Togolese for holding a third meeting in Ghana to address maritime boundary issues with the initial move by the two Presidents of Ghana and Togo.

He commended the nomination of focal persons negotiating to facilitate regular contacts and maintain communications between both sides aimed at enhancing and sharing of relevant, vital information amongst the parties and to facilitate efficient preparations for meetings.

According to the Minister the negotiation which is the third has come a long way in the quest to enhance a mutual interest for the benefit of the two countries that has existed between “us”.

Mr. Albert Kan Dapaah pointed out that the underlying principle is to drive an outcome that is grounded in international law utilizing all the established principle governing matters of this nature.

There has been significant progress made in the last meeting held in Lome from the 30th to 31st October, 2018 during which both parties agreed on a work programme with timelines for negotiations as well as provisional arrangements in accordance with the United Nations Convention on the law of the sea (UNCLOS) whiles negotiations for the formal delimitation of the maritime boundary continues.

The National Security Minister in his welcome address indicated that he hopes the meeting would lead to the closer and finality of the maritime boundary negotiations.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/