Minister for Food and Agriculture says he cannot be held responsible for the rot that has gone on in the Ghana Youth Employment and Entrepreneurial Agency (GYEEDA) and has dared his critics to produce evidence of his culpability.
Clement Kofi Humado said he is “ready to debate anyone on any matter on GYEEDA provided it does not constitute interference into matters before the court.”
He was responding to media reports suggesting that he threatened to expose other people if he was charged with any offences in connection with the GYEEDA corruption scandal.
“I wish to respond that I have never made any such statement anywhere and I challenge the author to provide proof if any,” he said in a statement issued in Accra.
Critics have expressed surprise that Clement Kofi Humado who was then the Sports Minister, under whose tenure monies were said to have been misappropriated in the name of GYEEDA has not been charged; the National Coordinator of the Agency, Abuga Pele is rather being tried for willfully causing financial loss to the state, abetment and misapplying public funds amongst others.
Members of the opposition NPP insist the big fishes in the GYEEDA scandal have been left off the hook but the minister says that can only be further from the truth.
He said his deafening silence on the matter must not be misconstrued to mean “intimidation or guilt.”
Humado said he has thoroughly answered questions about his role in GYEEDA during investigations conducted by the Economic and Organised Crimes Office (EOCO) and if the investigative authority thought he was guilty of any offences, it would have proferred charges against him.
“It is therefore absolutely wrong and misplaced for some section of the media to feel that I am being left off the hook. Who says that I am going down and to where? I am as strong as ever and wish to focus on my new job as Minister for Food and Agriculture,” he charged.
He said the quality of work he did with GYEEDA and the reforms he initiated are matters of public record.
Read the full statement issued by the Minister.
My attention has been drawn to an article published on the Ghanaweb on 28th January 2014 by one Al Hajj titled “I won’t go down alone Minister warns”. Reference was then made to my person of statements I was purported to have made to my close associates.
I wish to respond that I have never made any such statement anywhere and I challenge the author to provide proof if any.
My relative silence on the GYEEDA matter should not be misinterpreted as that of intimidation or guilt. As a Cabinet Minister, I have to respect institutions of state. When the Minister of Youth and Sports set up the GYEEDA Committee, I did not complain because I wanted probity and accountability to prevail if only that was the objective of setting up the committee.
The committee only felt the need to meet with me after their first draft report was leaked and published on the Internet. I did not complain and I obliged to meet the committee even at that late stage and responded to any questions they asked.
When HE the President referred the committee report to the PV Obeng Committee and later to EOCO, BNI and the Attorney General, I was invited to EOCO not less than three times on the GYEEDA matter and I responded to all questions asked me and provided documentary proof of my claims and position on the GYEEDA matter.
The feeling by some section of the public and media that I am being left off the hook therefore cannot be true. If the investigative institutions of state had found anything wrong with my role in the GYEEDA matter they would have by now charged me.
It is therefore absolutely wrong and misplaced for some section of the
media to feel that I am being left off the hook. Who says that I am going down and to where? I am as strong as ever and wish to focus on my new job as Minister for Food and Agriculture.
As a person, I am NOT bigger than the party and government I serve.
I know the quality of work that I have put into initiating reforms in GYEEDA during my tenure in office. I am ready at anytime to debate anyone on any matter on GYEEDA provided it does not constitute interference into matters before the court.
Clement Kofi HUMADO