June 4, 2012

The Member of Parliament for Effutu Constituency, Mike Hammah has expressed his gratitude to the organizers, traditional leaders, security agencies and various youth groups for ensuring a successful Aboakyir festival this year.

According to him, the people of Effutu had demonstrated to the world through the festival, that they were driven by a unity of purpose, love for their community and peace for development.

A statement signed by the MP who is also the Minister of Lands and Natural Resources issued in Accra noted that the week-long annual Aboakyir displayed the rich cultural heritage of the Effutus.

“Historically, it gives the opportunity to the Effutus and others to know more about their traditional and cultural heritage. Socially, it serves as a re-union of family members, friends and loved ones in the community’’ the statement said.

It added that the festival also served as a platform for local businesses to improve upon their economic fortunes.

The statement reminded patrons and all Ghanaians that just as the festival was celebrated with a common purpose, the nation should go through this year’s political activities as one people with a common destiny.

“We must endeavor to refrain from political violence and be tolerant of dissenting view,’’ he said.

Kwadwo Anim/ghanamps.gov.gh