March 10, 2014

The Minority Leader Hon. Osei Kyei Mensah Bonsu has said Member of Parliament for Nadowli/Kaleo Alban Bagbin may be summoned before the Privileges Committee of Parliament to substantiate his allegation of bribe taking made against some of his fellow MPs.

According to him, Hon. Bagbin who is a former Majority Leader will be made to further explain himself and provide prove of his claims, which has the potential of impugning the integrity of Legislators in the eyes of the general public .

Hon. Bagbin over the weekend alleged that there was evidence to show that some MPs take bribes to push the agenda of civil society groups and governments.

According to him, the practice had persisted due to the lack of laid-down rules and ethics for lobbying in the country.

However speaking on Adom FM on Monday, Hon. Osei Kyei Mensah Bonsu stated he was not aware that MPs take bribe as that is an offence under the laws of Ghana and it would be unpardonable for MPs who formulate laws to fall foul of the law.

He noted that he wouldn’t have been worried if Hon. Bagbin had said some MPs (CSOs) were lobbied by Civil Society Organizations for certain specific duties as lobbying is accepted worldwide, but alleging bribery on MPs was a serious statement.

Hon. Osei Kyei Mensah Bonsu stated that Mr Bagbin will do himself and his reputation a lot of good if he provides evidence to back his allegations or withdraw his statement honourably.

He added that if the allegations are found to be correct, some interrogations would have to be carried out into the matter to establish the truth.

The Minority Leader averred that the rules governing the behaviour of MPs will be applied if Mr. Bagbin is found to have damaged the image of Ghana’s Legislature through his comments.