June 30, 2021

A former member of the Economic Community of West African States (ECWOAS) 4th Parliament representing Ghana, Clement Kofi Humado has advised governments within the West African sub-region to provide the needed support to research institutions to possible production of vaccines against the coronavirus.

Mr. Humado believes providing national diseases research centers with adequate funding would enable them go the long hall to produce vaccines to fight against COVID-19.

According to him in Ghana the Noguchi Memoria Research Center is one that could help produce vaccine to fight the pandemic, and further added that there are similar research centers in the sub-region like Senegal.

And in the case of Senegal, its research center is affiliated to similar centers in France, and pointed out in an interview that as a former Minister of Food and Agriculture, he supervised Kpong and Tamale Research Institutes produce new castle vaccine for birds and cattle.

“We have the capacity, all we need is the funding and technical assistance you can see from what has happened so far that the develop countries United States, Britain among others, they produce vaccines for their populations, they do not care about the third world so in such circumstances what do we do?”, he queried

And further added that as a sub-region, we should not fold our arms and wait until they are satisfied with their programme before they turn to us, “we would have perished, ECOWAS Parliament’s Committee on Health needs to be issuing communiques to remind the Authority of Heads of States, and also the Commission represented by West Africa Health Organisation to look at containment preparation for the future in other to safeguard the population of West Africa”.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com