The Member of Parliament for Akim Oda Hon. Yaw Owusu Boateng, says his primary objective of ensuring that 80% of children of school going age in his constituency are in school is steadily on course.
In pursuit of this aim, the Member of Parliament aside undertaking several school building projects, has also made it a point to engage parents in his constituency on a regular basis on the need to enrol their wards in school and the benefits to be derived.
Acoording to the MP, many children in the rural areas of the constituency are out of school mainly helping their parents on their farms, a trend that he finds unfortunate and wants to reverse. The MP who has taught in several European countriies, by virtue of his international connections has been able to bring to his constituency teachers from some Europen countries to teach on a regular basis, a move that has attracted more children to school and has sustained their interest.
He has also sponsored several students from his constituency to pursue higher education in some universities in the country.
Speaking to ghanamps.gov.gh, Hon. Yaw Owusu Boateng, underscored the importance of education in the technologically advanced world that currently exist. ” you know right now, everything is science and I.T based and one can only survive in such a sophisticated world only when he or she educates him or herself”,he said.
Hon.Yaw Owusu Boateng, says one thing that he wants to be remebered by his constituents when he out of office is the improvement that he brought to the constituency particularly with respect to the delivery of quality education. He says his vision is to see schools in his constituency produce brilliant students comparable to that from well endowed schools in the city, and he is deeply committed to realising it.
Source: Kwadwo Anim/ghanamps.gov.gh