November 20, 2019
Former Deputy Minister of Finance in the John Dramani Mahama led administration and Member of Parliament for Cape Coast South, Kweku Ricketts Hagan has said he hopes the current Government keeps to fiscal discipline in 2020 despite it being an election year.

According to the Cape Coast South lawmaker, he hopes and pray that as a country we stay along all the limits and do not do anything as a result of kneejerk reaction from public outcry, when things are not going well and people are suffering.

In reaction to the 2020 budget, he told journalists in Parliament that the Minister indicated that all programmes they have started would be completed next year that is a “danger” if it is not planned well and executed it would collapse same way like the banks.

“This is going to erode all the fiscal gains we have made in the past five years, it has taken us five good years to achieve this it was started when the National Democratic Congress (NDC) was in power under John Mahama”.

When he took the country to IMF some people were thinking the idea was not good, but it was highly a necessary decision, the NDC started it and the current government came in to complete it.

As a result we had some discipline in terms of our fiscal deficit, we kept to fiscal responsibility and public financial management Act.

He said he hopes  the government keeps to its promises of fiscal discipline.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/