February 25, 2018


Majority Leader and Minister of Parliamentary Affairs, Osei Kyei Mensah-Bonsu, has taken a swipe at MPs taking signatures to throw out a Legislative Instrument (LI) to legitimise entrance exams to the Ghana School of Law by the General Legal Council (GLC).

According to the Majority Leader the issue is before a Committee of the House, the Subsidiary Legislation Committee. “If you have any concerns as an MP approach the Committee, you go outside Parliament to gather signatures, to do what?”

“We should take ourselves seriously, base on the report that would be presented to the House we can then take a decision that is how to go as a House”, the Majority Leader said.

Mr. Osei Kyei Mensah-Bonsu, has urged the chairman of the Subsidiary Legislation Committee to give a hearing to the sponsoring authority of the LI and the Students Representatives so that concerns of all the parties are factored into the report to be presented to the House.

Minority Chief Whip Muntaka Mubarak and Effutu MP Alexander Afenyo-Markin are leading a camping to gather signatures to stop the LI from being passed, so far they have gathered 183 lawmaker’s signatures.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com