President John Evans Atta Mills on Thursday gave the assurance that the Job 600 project would be completed this year and ready for occupation by Members of Parliament (MP) next year.
He said: “I am assured that the Job 600 project will surely be completed this year and ready for your occupation next year. I am confident that I will be the first President to address you at a time when you will be working from the comfort of your new offices.”
President Mills, who gave the assurance when he was delivering the State of the Nation address to Parliament in Accra on Thursday, said: “This year, I hope to work with Parliamentarians to review three initiatives that I announced will be instituted in the course of my Presidency.”
These are the assignment of national service personnel as research assistants to MPs; construction of constituency duty offices for Parliamentarians; and the establishment of an MPs’ Constituency Development Fund separate and apart from the District Assemblies Common Fund.
President Mills said: “Together, we will work to find solutions to the challenges that have impacted negatively on the agenda of the Executive and the Legislature to work in tandem to broaden the frontiers of our democratic dispensation.”
He announced that the report of Constitution Review Commission was ready and a technical Implementation committee had been set up to assist Cabinet to develop a white paper and begin with the implementation of its recommendations without delay.