Minority side of the House
November 11, 2022

Finance Minister, Ken Ofori-Atta has been given a week of relief as the Speaker has instituted an 8-member ad hoc committee to look into the vote of censure motion brought against him.

This was after the Minority Leader Haruna Iddrisu moved the motion of censure which was duly seconded by the Minority Chief Whip, Muntaka.

The Committee co-chaired by K.T Hammond- MP for Adansi Asokwa, and Dominic Ayine- MP for Bolgatanga East.

Majority side of the House

The Committee is expected to present its report in seven days to pave ways for the substantive debate to commence on the floor of the House.

The rest of the members include:
• Zanetor Rawlings – MP Korle Klottey
• Samuel Okudjeto Ablakwa – MP North Tongu
• Bernard Ahiafo – MP Akatsi South representing the Minority
• Patrick Boamah -Mp Okaikwei Central;
• Andrews Agyapa Mensah -MP Sekondi;
• Kwame Anyimadu Antiw- MP Asante Akyem North

The Minority’s motion contained 7 grounds on which they argued the finance minister is not fit for purpose and must be sacked.

Prior to the Speaker directing the motion to the ad hoc committee, the Majority led by the First Deputy Speaker, Afenyo Markin called for fair hearing and due process to be followed.

Mr. Afenyo Markins thus lauded the Speaker’s ruling which directed the motion to the ad hoc committee.
