The Member of Parliament for Keta, Richard Quashigah characteristically of him took time to fraternize with a number of communities in his constituency as part of the Easter celebration.
Hon. Quashigah joined the people in their communities during their social gatherings as has always been the practice when families take stock, make merry and above all take concrete steps towards the development of their communities.
Some of the communities he joined included Kedzi, Seva, Atiavi, Aborlorvi, Sasieme, Asadame, Atsime among others.
Addressing the people at separate durbars, Mr. Quashigah assured the people of his commitment to help meet the development needs of the various communities, adding that a lot of consultation and lobbying has to be done before those needs can be met hence the delay in implementing some of the interventions.
In spite of this, he said a lot has been achieved and beneficiary communities are very happy today despite earlier doubts about the actual execution of those projects.
Some of these executed projects include roads, schools, health facilities, electricity extensions, provision of solar lights, distribution of solar lamps, and provision of toilet facilities among others.
“I’m aware a lot of communities are looking forward to having their challenges resolved and like others you will have them. Just remain calm and supportive and everything will fall in place”, he added.
“It is obvious the massive work being done to extend electricity to a number of communities as currently a lot of electric poles have been distributed along with cables for major works to start. At least those in the beneficiary communities now know my words were not just mere promises but action oriented. I will continue to be your voice and collaborate with other leaders particularly the Municipal Chief Executive, Mr. Sylvester Tornyeava who has been very cooperative to bring the needed relief to our people”, he stated.
Mr. Quashigah used the period to also commission some projects and donated laptop computers to some schools.
He also urged the people to revive the self-help spirit in order to initiate projects, seek for assistance for accelerated solutions to challenges facing their communities.
“Easter is a period of sacrifice as depicted by Christ, hence the need for every citizen to sacrifice by donating their time and money towards intended projects in their communities”, he stated.
Dominic Shirimori/Ghanamps.gov.gh