May 30, 2013

The Member of Parliament for Krachi Nchumuru, John Majisi is advocating for the extension of the national ambulance service to the area to help improve health delivery.

Krachi Nchumuru he noted, has no hospital, and the whole area is dependent on the St. Lukes Clinic at Thindiri and this, aside challenges with distance is also inundated with patients on daily basis.

He said introduction of ambulance service will enable referral cases to other well equipped health facilities especially to the Krachi Hospital to be facilitated to prevent unnecessary deaths.

The MP said he has started making the necessary contacts with various stakeholders to ensure ambulance service is extended to the area.

Touching on the welfare of physically challenged persons in the constituency, the Member of Parliament noted that the assembly is collaborating with some non governmental organizations to offer training programmes for the physically challenged to equip them with some skills that will enable them get into productive economic activities to fend for themselves and their families. Shirimori/Eric Dzormeku